Sunday, August 23, 2009

My A+ is gone!!!!!!

I prefer my previous lecturer(A) who taught me BS1 than my current lecturer(B) who taught me BS2... I know some of you may think I'm nuts but I'm not... Here's the reason why:

1. Lecturer (A) gave us the 'real' tips for our BS1 exam.

2. Lecturer (A) sets very easy questions for BS1 exam. Love this the most...

3. Lecturer (A) is easier to interact.... to me...

4. Most of all, Lecturer (A) gives me an A+ for my BS1 exam.... Yeah me!!!!

5. Lecturer (B) hypnotized me almost every class.... ZZZZZZZ.....

6. Lecturer (B) gave me an assignment where I am clueless about the topic.... Struggling!!!!!

7. Lecturer (B) didnt explain much but only read the content from the slides.... Like I cant read!!!!

8. And most of all, the champion of the reason is...............................

I dont think I can get A+ for my BS2 this semester!!!!!!!!!!



deciding which phone to buy...
I was actually panning to buy back the same phone as I have not finish 'exploring' the phone,
in the other hand I would also would like to buy other model, but none of the other model really catches my eyes... Haiz...
Sick of deciding things...
there's so many model are nice looking and cool, but their price are also marvelous... Wow!!!!
Is there any nice phone is between RM 1.00 (if possible) to RM 500.00?????
I dun want to buy any expensive phone anymore, cause I have the feeling that I will lost it again.... I am cursed!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lost Phone!!!!!

ERRRRR!!!!!!!! I just LOST my phone.... I'm real pissed!!!!
Why can I be so careless!!!!!
I drop it in the carpark lot opposite to Leisure Commercial Square....
I just use that phone almost like wat? a few months...
When I told my parents, miraculously they just said nevermind...
How shock is that????
I thought I will get a piece of mind from them...
but they just said, " aiya, nevermind la. just a few hundred.."
I was like... ok... :)
but I felt very bad for losing it, cause I really liked that phone..
Curse the guy who picked it up..... CURSE HIM / HER!!!!!!
This is the model of the phone though....

luv it so much....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cameron Highland

This actually is quite long ago.
I think is on June 2009.
Went there with my family.
The flowers over there are actually quite beautiful.

There are lots of cactus too!!!!!

Even though they are very torny, but still, they are real beutiful.

Cameron Highland does actually have grapes.....
hahahaha.. Didnt expected it though.

More CACTUS !!!!!!

OMG!!!! The strawberry over there is incredibly beautiful and delicious.... Yummy!!!!
Its like a heaven for strawberry lover...

They look so red and yummy.... :)

More Strawberry!!!!!!

Strawberry, strawberry... come out, come out...

Wow! Such a big leek.. Its almost a size of your body...

You are my be-au-ti-ful CACTUS !!!!!




* Plain flour
* Yeast (about half a tablespoon)
* Olive oil
* Salt
* Water

I dont have the amount for these ingredients cause I estimated it all by myself..... hahahaha...


After!!!!! Wow!!!!

First dough, ready to roll...
Lets rock 'n' roll !!!!!

My working place...

Roll, roll, roll......

Can't believe it, I actually did 9 of pizza crust!!!!

Last stages of my pizza crust...

The sos!!!! Tomato rules!!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Teacher Me....

Believe it or not, I'm teaching!!! I'm giving tuition..... Totally unexpected... Hahahahaha.....

I'm actually kind of scare at the first time, but is ok when the time comes...

hahahaha... Me giving tuition. I actually can teach... Me, teacher!!!!! hahahaha..

Next time if anyone saw me on the street, call me teacher.. hahahaha... jokes... : )

Monday, August 3, 2009

Doing Law

Law, Law, Law, and more Law... OMG, cant take it anymore.....
Its so difficult.. Hate memorising... Hate it, hate it...
but I'm still consider lucky, at least I'm not studying some criminal law or any law that matters... Hahahaha... This has prove me that I cant be a lawyer.... Hahahaha... No hope!!!!!!

Lucky me, I'm just studying construction law. But it's still law.... Law, Law, Law!!!!!!!!

My brain is gonna burst!!!!!! BOOM!!!!! into million of pieces....

But must resist the temptation to be lazy.... Must get 75 for average gpa!!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Hi all,

I just started an online "shop" yesterday and had spend whole day to create the "shop". I'm now currently selling not alot of things but trying to shop more and buy sell more stuff for you guys. Go me!!!! :) I always wanted to start a this online selling things in Ebay but unfortunately, I do not know how the things works over there. So, my mum just advise me to start selling them, perhaps in the blog? Hahaha.. Didn't think of that though... So here is the "shop" : In this "shop", we will be selling cloths(maybe), accessories, belts, bags, makeup(maybe), some homemade cross stitch by ME, and lots more.... Hope you all like it..... Thanks for visiting....


Saturday, August 1, 2009

HELP ME!!!!!

im currently doing a order form and i wanted to post it out in the blog which works... but unfortunately i dont know how and i have been figuring out for almost a week.... please help.... im kind of desperate now.... felt like crying....

is there anyone who is kind enough to help me????? please help!!!!! i really appreciate it.... thanks