Thursday, December 31, 2009

Shanghai Trip - 23 Dec 2009 -

Day 1
Depart from KLIA at 1.00 am (i think), flying with MAS... Zzzzzzz..... This is the worst flight I ever had.... Felt dizzy from M'sia to Shanghai... The pilots' skills are not that good this time, the plane kept on shaking and makes me want to vomit... I was forced to sleep to make myself feel better... Reached Shanghai at 7.00 am (i think), hoping the tour guide to be nice looking.... but.... he turn out alittle bit of gay... hahahahahaha...... The Shanghai airport is kind of beautiful thought... If any of you haven been to China, you cannot imagine how China develop.... Its very fast.. Sometimes I really wish I'm from China rather than here.... hehehehe... You will understand if you continue reading my trip to Shanghai column....

my aunt, cousins, grandma, sis, mum and me

When we (my family, my relatives, my grandparents and I) reached there, we went to sit 磁浮火车 (Shanghai Magnetic Train). It can fo until 400 to 550 km/hr; so fast... It called as 地面飞行器 (flight machine on the ground)and "flew the lowest plant" .

430 km/hr... is so fast!!!

The bus need 45 minutes to reach to the station we stopped, but we only need 15 minutes to reach there by sitting this train....

Believe it or not, to construct this train actually cost as much as our super slow KTM.... A almost bullet train = incredibly slow KTM..... this equation definately doesnt make any sense... hmmm, I wonder where the money goes???..... You know, I know....

From left: my aunt, me, my sis

Then, the bus drove us to 城隍商城 (Chenghuang commercial city)... Believe me, this is the place that you must visit... There's lot of things to buy and most of all, things to eat!!!!

In the middle is a dumpling where you have to suck out the juice inside the dumpling using the straw....

In 城隍商城, there is one thing you must not miss..... Do you know what is it?????

Have any clues????

Clue #2: They are super cheap!!!!!

Answer: 小龙包!!!!

They are super delicious and juicy too... By juicy; their fillings are full of juice? soup??

I have no idea, as long as they have juice and you are to be reminded to eat it carefully, otherwise the dumpling juice will drip out.... yummmm!!!

and also their 冰糖胡芦....

The view is incredibly beautiful.....

After lunch, we went to 灵山大佛 (Lingshan Buddha)... There's a 88 meters high giant Buddha and also a young Buddha statue that tell the story how the Buddha was born..

88 meters high Buddha statue

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Raining day...

The sun is fading and dark clouds had taken over the shine, wonders will it rain before boarding... Pacing to my car as quickly as I can, half way driving, the rain has came and showering my car harshly. It's cry has cover my radio's speaking... As I was driving, the radio's signal was coming back and fading away. This atmosphere makes me felt moody. With the cold air blowing from my car's air-conditioning, noise made by the rain, and cloudy sky while listening some sentimental songs played by the DJ, makes me felt vulnerable and makes me fantasize me with a guy I adore much; driving a car while I am enjoying his company in this kind of soft and romantic atmosphere....

How nice.... :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Ever since my sis went to UK, my life is worst than ever.... with a parents who do not know anything about computer is such a pain..... I know u will say, "how pain woh? Not that bad lo..." You are so WRONG!!!!! They will bug u every single day and call u guard at the computer for the whole day until my sis go online.....

every single second they will call you to check whether she got go online anot.... Aiyo damn annoying... and they call alot of weird questions for example; "can you call her to go online ar?" and I will say call her is the only way... and guess what they tell me... This is once in your life time you will ever heard of this kind of "answer"... they said, " write some message to her and this message will make some sound from her computer to alert her to go online".... WHAT THE HELL!!!! she didnt even go online or anything, how can i call her to go online immediately without calling her!!!!! OMG!!!!! and when i said, there is no such thing exist, and you know what??? They will always answer and say that I dunno how to use computer.... WTH!!!!!

so generally speaking, she didnt go online a day, i will suffer a day....... They seriously should invent somethig like this, since nobody can think of this kind of idea.....

seriuosly very ridiculous.... @~@

Friday, October 9, 2009

Assignment and Test

1.) Assignments that haven been done:

-Quantities 2
-Construction Law
-Site Surveying

2.) Tests that haven been given:

-Construction Law
-Site Surveying

I think thats all... All of these assigments and tests have to be done in one months time....


Structure assignments

Does anyone know how to do the questions????

OMG, there are too much questions to ask.... There are questions in the questions...

I have too much questions!!!!! This and that... They are just very confusing.... @~@...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Promotion in Federal Hotel

High Tea Buffet at the Revolving Bintang Restaurant!!!!!!! Dont miss this.... This restaurant actually rotates 360 horizontally.... I have been there so many times when I was young, which was when there is only me and elder my sister, but now, with 4 adults and two children really cost alot!!!! I remember when I was young, the food there is quite of expensive but my parents still afford to go (when there is only two adults and two childred), and now, not a chance... Untill this came!!!! I can go there once more!!! yeah......

12.30pm to 4pm
Adult RM45++
Child RM22.50++ (below 12 years old-Malaysian only)
Senior Citizen RM22.50++ (above 55 years old-Malaysian only)
35 Jalan Bukit Bintang
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2148 9166
Fax: 603-2148 2877
Toll free: 1800 88 3535 1800 88 3535 (within malaysia)

Promotion in Shogun

Cant wait for this promotion to ends. It was from 1st August till 30th Oct 2009. Please end this promotion as soon as possible so the previous promotion will comes back..... There was once that Shogun discounted up to 50%.... I'm still waiting for 50%.......

Sunday, September 27, 2009



hope you guys are safe and sound in uk.... i think almost all of u guys have gone to uk, right?
since all the uk uni opens this month.... happy studying in uk... and enjoy the life in uk..
take more picture for me to see...
Hehehehehe..... I cant really remember which part of uk r u all goin, but i still want to see....
take care for yourself over there..


holiday ends

tomorrow the school will reopen and i still in the holiday spirit... haiz.....
i have to wake up at 6am everyday from tomorrow onwards........
hahahahaha... miss holiday.... and i realised that i have wasted my holiday... i didnt go out with any of my friends..... geezz...
i shall sleep early tonight...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

D'Ultimate Birthday Bash by DiGi‏

Muahahahaha!!!!! cant believe it... i won the D'Ultimate Birthday Bash by DiGi‏ contest....

This is the only contest i won before... Hahahaha.. Even though I dunno what to do with it, but all the matter is I WON!!!! Hehehehehe.... There's two ticket to some bar and a RM200 goodies bag.... Dunno want to collect it or not.....

still thinking... :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

haiz... my shoulder aches alot.. so painful... i seriously hate to use the computer..
if is not because of this stupid BS2 assignment, i will be sleeping right now....
tried and aching.....

Monday, September 14, 2009

crap!!!! my webcam just dont works... felt like cheated by the dealer....
im so curse by electronic device... hahahahahaha..... luckily i didnt wish i can be a electronic engineer.... hehehehe

Sunday, September 13, 2009

seriously... i think i have been cursed by the phones. First i lost my phone , which i only use for 3 MONTHS!!!! and 3 WEEKS without a phone and bought a next phone last sunday and this phone suckss.... hate it..

too much problem. First, this phone only provide 1GB memory card (btw, my expressmusic phone has 2GB). Secondly, this phone is ulgy compare to my phone. Thirdly, this phone is not my colour, hate black(new) and love new(old). Thus, this phone do not have caller ID... so if anyone miss call me or even call me, I wont know who you are.... and I have asked the nokia person and they said i have to ask someone to upgrade the software.. CACAT!!!!

2700 classic.... very CACAT!!!
Plus, I have to re-save my contact back... so if I ever ask who you are, please dont be angry... Felt so frustrating...
curse the person who found my phone and not giving it back to me.....
curse him/her!!!! urghhh!!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


I'm currently watching cooking show, hmm.. this makes me want to cook and bake.. Hahahahaha... Now I understand why my mum is so worry that I wont study when I'm in Australia. She always wanted to remind me that I should not cook too much till I cant study... Hahahaha.. I think I wont, even though I love cooking and baking... Hope so. *cossing finger*... Wakakakaka...

The host is now baking muffins and making egg tart!!!! Yummy!!!! He makes them look so delicious.. I'm so tempted to bake now.. I shall resist... Resist the temptation.... ARGHHH!!!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My A+ is gone!!!!!!

I prefer my previous lecturer(A) who taught me BS1 than my current lecturer(B) who taught me BS2... I know some of you may think I'm nuts but I'm not... Here's the reason why:

1. Lecturer (A) gave us the 'real' tips for our BS1 exam.

2. Lecturer (A) sets very easy questions for BS1 exam. Love this the most...

3. Lecturer (A) is easier to interact.... to me...

4. Most of all, Lecturer (A) gives me an A+ for my BS1 exam.... Yeah me!!!!

5. Lecturer (B) hypnotized me almost every class.... ZZZZZZZ.....

6. Lecturer (B) gave me an assignment where I am clueless about the topic.... Struggling!!!!!

7. Lecturer (B) didnt explain much but only read the content from the slides.... Like I cant read!!!!

8. And most of all, the champion of the reason is...............................

I dont think I can get A+ for my BS2 this semester!!!!!!!!!!



deciding which phone to buy...
I was actually panning to buy back the same phone as I have not finish 'exploring' the phone,
in the other hand I would also would like to buy other model, but none of the other model really catches my eyes... Haiz...
Sick of deciding things...
there's so many model are nice looking and cool, but their price are also marvelous... Wow!!!!
Is there any nice phone is between RM 1.00 (if possible) to RM 500.00?????
I dun want to buy any expensive phone anymore, cause I have the feeling that I will lost it again.... I am cursed!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lost Phone!!!!!

ERRRRR!!!!!!!! I just LOST my phone.... I'm real pissed!!!!
Why can I be so careless!!!!!
I drop it in the carpark lot opposite to Leisure Commercial Square....
I just use that phone almost like wat? a few months...
When I told my parents, miraculously they just said nevermind...
How shock is that????
I thought I will get a piece of mind from them...
but they just said, " aiya, nevermind la. just a few hundred.."
I was like... ok... :)
but I felt very bad for losing it, cause I really liked that phone..
Curse the guy who picked it up..... CURSE HIM / HER!!!!!!
This is the model of the phone though....

luv it so much....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cameron Highland

This actually is quite long ago.
I think is on June 2009.
Went there with my family.
The flowers over there are actually quite beautiful.

There are lots of cactus too!!!!!

Even though they are very torny, but still, they are real beutiful.

Cameron Highland does actually have grapes.....
hahahaha.. Didnt expected it though.

More CACTUS !!!!!!

OMG!!!! The strawberry over there is incredibly beautiful and delicious.... Yummy!!!!
Its like a heaven for strawberry lover...

They look so red and yummy.... :)

More Strawberry!!!!!!

Strawberry, strawberry... come out, come out...

Wow! Such a big leek.. Its almost a size of your body...

You are my be-au-ti-ful CACTUS !!!!!




* Plain flour
* Yeast (about half a tablespoon)
* Olive oil
* Salt
* Water

I dont have the amount for these ingredients cause I estimated it all by myself..... hahahaha...


After!!!!! Wow!!!!

First dough, ready to roll...
Lets rock 'n' roll !!!!!

My working place...

Roll, roll, roll......

Can't believe it, I actually did 9 of pizza crust!!!!

Last stages of my pizza crust...

The sos!!!! Tomato rules!!!!