Saturday, September 25, 2010


I wanted to go UK so badly.... real badly.. I have to wait for a year more, if University of Salford didnt approve my proposal.... Please, anyone who is reading this, please pray for me that they approve my proposal on opening a new intake in January.... Pray, pray, pray~~~ If they approve, I will be meeting all my fellow friends in UK soon!!!! I wanted to go UK to study, meet all my fellow friend and most importantly is the travelling part....

GOD, pray for me~~~ T.T
If not, I will be wasting my one year youth staying in Malaysia working~~~ T.T

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First day of work..

I'm currently working in MQS Consult firm at Damansara Utama (ss21/60)... It's not as bad as I expected but I just relised that they actually work till 8 till 9 something eventhough the working hour ends at 5.30pm.. @.@

I reached there sharp 8.30am and luckily I can get out from the traffic just in time.. The cars are floading the NKVE road (near the tol) and I actually stucked at the traffic for almost 30 mins... But lucky me, I still manage to reach there sharp.... PHEW~~~

The parking fee over there is killing me... RM5 per day... SHIT!!!! which means I will lost RM100 per month for the stupid parking.... :( Fly, Fly, Fly~~~~~

I was actually shaking when I first step into the office.. hehehehe... This is so embarrassing.. =.=

People over there are quite nice but I didnt talk much and I cant remember their name even after they intoduced themselves to me in the morning..... ;P

Today I learned how to use excel as in making out formulae... hehehehe... I wonder what will they give me to do tomorrow.. but I really wish I can go for some site visits... :)

Monday, May 31, 2010


I'm scared and terrified of tomorrow and definitely not excited or anxious... Tomorrow will be my first day of working working as in working in a office firm... I'm afraid anything might happen to me on the first day.. I may get scolded for being stupid... I may forget how to do measurement ... I may not give what they expected to get... I may not know or even understand what are they gave me which they expected me to know.... I may, I may.... My head is full of "I may" or "what if". All sort of questions are swimming inside my mind and these questions ain't giving a good respond. I'm really really scare of a lot of things. I'm really afraid of anything right now. I'm also worry on my attire, shall I wear very formal or semi-formal.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pulau Pangkor (28~30 May)

Went there with my family and if I'm not mistaken, my father took the Lumut direction, not the Ipoh direction (no idea whether this makes sense but all I know is my dad didnt use the Ipoh road) and stay at Pangkor Island Beach Resort....

The hotel is not bad though.. My mum reserved the Ocean view room (must get that kind of room, the hotel is beautiful and has nice view from the window).. Dont get the Garden view hotel, its stupid cause its far from the sea and swimming pool and it's actually facing the golf course... XD

Over there, hornbills are all over the place and the hotel actually rear peacock over there.. that's all I can say, cause the sea over there is obviously not as spectacular as Pulau Redang... Plus, I didnt do much activity over there, just swimming and eating.... So, I cant tell you more about Pulau Pangkor... :P All I know is the anchovies over there is famous....

Most of all, I didnt get TAN!!!! Yeah me.... XD even without sunblock!!!!

Oh, and on the way to Pulau Pangkor, my dad brought us to Teluk Intan (I think) and the 'chee cheong fan' is very nice.. It's famous over there... MUST TRY!!!! :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

First time...

Yesterday (26/5/10) is the first day I drank so much of beer. I almost got drunk in my friend's house, I have a great time though... :)
Now I believe a saying said that when there is fun, there will be a consequences after the fun.. I believe the Chinese says is "de ying wang xing" (I have no idea how the pinyin goes but it makes sense to me)...

Pros of drinking:
- learn some fun games which may cause alot of drinking.
- laugh till ur lungs out.
- got high after drinking.

Cons from drinking:
- tired for the next whole day.
- headaches and dizziness for the next whole day. (HATE this ALOT!!!!)
- everything seems to be blur from sight for the rest of the day.
- RASHES all over my body, which is luckily hidden.. (just the chest and abdomen part, which makes me grow chicken skin after watching them) EWWWW!!!!
- cant really think much for the next whole day...
- sore throat for the whole day.... PAINFULL!!!!
- felt sleepy for the whole day... this is seriously a hung up...

I'm actually still feel the dizziness and headache now while I'm typing this.... seriously, @.@....
I seriously have no idea why people likes to get drunk which always makes you ruining your own image and they never fail.... Dizzy~~~~ @.@

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Have to ffk.... :P

so sorry guys... I think I cant go to the Redang trip as I promise u all that I will be going... hehehehe.... I have to work for this two months and my tan is still with me... So which means I still black... can stand the tan, its looks so ugly on me... :P Have fun guys... good for de-stress.... hehehehe.... miss you all...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Redang Trip (18-20 April 2010)

Technically, should be from 17 to 21 April... hehehehe.. Depart on 17 April at 10PM by bus from PWTC.. ZzZz.. Not bad for first experience travelling by bus, although it actually kind of difficult for me to sleep in the bus but I manage to survive... ^^ and I shall remind you that it actually took us 7 hours to reach Terengganu, so we reach there at around 5 or 6am (cant really remember cause I was blur~~ that time) and we had to wait for the speed boat at 12pm, I think (still blur~~). and whoever is reading this, travelling with the speed boat is fun + torture, the boat is bumpy which cause by the huge wave + speed and i actually hurt my butt... :(

Oh, and we live in some resort called Pelangi something... The sea is spectacular, love the colour; from light blue to dark blue (its a must to enjoy if u have the chance to visit Redang)... In Redang Island, its all about snorkeling from morning to evening, so basically we came back like an African.. BLACK!!! but its totally worth it, lots of fishes...

Plus, I also brought some souvenir with me which is bruise everywhere at my body from head to toe; by playing volley ball and fall down from here and there ... but this is just light injuries, my friends have a better souvenir; some got their leg twisted and most of them got sunburn... So, technically, my injuries are nothing... but in painful though... T.T

Then we leave Redang at 12.00pm, I think again and some of us stay in Kuala Terengganu for awhile as some of us leave at 10pm again and reach KL at 5am.. ZzZzZz... =.=

Most of all, this trip is CHEAP!!! its just cost me around RM 300~400 (include everything include alcohol).... Enjoy this trip, totally.... Last but not least, thank you Seniors for planning this trip...
And thanks to Jacinta Yoo for bringing us to eat and drink in Kuala Terengganu and also thank you for letting us to rest in your house.. ^^ Nice~~